Thursday, October 15, 2015

MvcScaffolding: Standard Usage

 What is a scaffolder?

A scaffolder is something that does scaffolding :) . Typically it consists of a PowerShell script that holds its logic, and a set of T4 templates that define the output it can produce, though you don’t need to know about how they work unless you want to make your own.
To see a list of available scaffolders, issue this command in the Package Manager Console:
Hopefully, your screen will be a little wider and you’ll actually be able to read the descriptions! Anyway, as you can see, scaffolders can live in NuGet packages and they have unique names like MvcScaffolding.RazorView. You could have lots of different scaffolders that produce views (e.g., you already have MvcScaffolding.AspxView too), and identify them by their unique name. For example, you could choose to scaffold an ASPX view as follows:
Scaffold MvcScaffolding.AspxView Index Team
Here, “Team” is the name of my model class (see the previous post for the steps to set up the project). Your model class might be Product or Customer or whatever. You can enter a fully-qualified type name, or just the unqualified name, and the scaffolder will search your referenced projects to find it.
Scaffolders can accept their own set of parameters.  In PowerShell, named parameters are introduced using a dash (“-“) characters, so to see a list of available parameters, enter text as far as the dash and then press TAB:
Some of those are specific to the scaffolder; others are common PowerShell parameters. I’ll explain what the scaffolder-specific ones do later.

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