These two queries are exactly the same. They have identical execution plans, and produce the same result.
SELECT p.Name, s.Name, s.ProductCategoryID
FROM Production.Product AS p
JOIN Production.ProductSubcategory AS s
ON s.ProductSubcategoryID = p.ProductSubcategoryID;
SELECT p.Name, s.Name, s.ProductCategoryID
FROM Production.Product AS p
SELECT subcat.Name, subcat.ProductCategoryID
FROM Production.ProductSubcategory AS subcat
WHERE subcat.ProductSubcategoryID = p.ProductSubcategoryID) AS s;
You may look at this and figure that the first option is entirely adequate, and see no reason to switch. There isn’t a reason to switch for most situations, and I don’t actually want you to change the way you write regular joins. But I do want you to consider the power of having a predicate as part of a correlated table-sub-query.
One common scenario is being able to hook easily into the first row in a particular join. It’s easy – you just add TOP (1) to the sub-query, and put an ORDER BY clause in there. I do this happily in BI solutions, where I want to grab a record from a dimension table that is current at the time that an event occurred.
OUTER APPLY (I know, you can do this very easily using a correlated sub-query in the SELECT clause, since the sub-query returns a single value (yes, it’s scalar). But what if we needed to return multiple columns from a sub-query, or needed to return the best three records for a particular category. Here I’m finding the three best-selling products for each subcategory.
SELECT TOP (1) d.DimKey
FROM dbo.DimensionTable AS d
WHERE d.BusinessKey = e.DimensionCode
AND d.StartDate < e.EventDate
ORDER BY d.StartDate DESC) AS d
SELECT s.Name, TopProds.*This could be done with a Common Table Expression (CTE) and the ROW_NUMBER() functdion, but that solution isn’t nearly as elegant as this. This is the kind of solution that was designed for APPLY. One of those times when a problem and solution are nicely matched, made for each other.
FROM Production.ProductSubcategory AS s
SELECT TOP (3) p.Name, SUM(o.OrderQty) AS NumOrdered
FROM Production.Product AS p
JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail AS o
ON o.ProductID = p.ProductID
WHERE p.ProductSubcategoryID = s.ProductSubcategoryID
GROUP BY p.ProductID, p.Name
ORDER BY SUM(o.OrderQty) DESC) as TopProds
Here’s an example that achieves the same using a CTE:
WITH OrderedProds ASI’m sure you’ll appreciate that this feels a lot more contrived than using APPLY. The Query Optimizer should really break these two queries down to exactly the same, recognising that joining on the PARTITION BY column(s) is a correlation mechanism. It doesn’t do that yet, but one day, I’m sure it might.
SELECT p.ProductSubcategoryID,
SUM(o.OrderQty) AS NumOrdered,
ORDER BY SUM(o.OrderQty) DESC) AS ProdOrder
FROM Production.Product AS p
JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail AS o
ON o.ProductID = p.ProductID
GROUP BY p.ProductID, p.Name, p.ProductSubcategoryID
SELECT s.Name, o.Name, o.NumOrdered
FROM Production.ProductSubcategory s
LEFT JOIN OrderedProds o
ON o.ProductSubcategoryID = s.ProductSubcategoryID
WHERE o.ProdOrder <= 3
(The CTE query runs quicker than the APPLY equivalent in this particular case on the AdventureWorks database, but it shouldn’t need to. The behaviour largely depends on a number of other factors, in the same way that multiple Seeks can sometimes be faster than a Scan, but not always.)
Let’s think about views for a moment. They’re sometimes referred to as “Virtual Tables” (yes, SQL Books Online, I’m looking at you!)
People who have heard my
So let’s create it.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Top3ProductsBySubcategory(@subcat int) RETURNS TABLENotice I’ve simply changed the correlation hook (s.ProductSubcategoryID) into the parameter. Also note that I’m NOT using BEGIN and END, which would render the function procedural and non-simplifiable. To hear me go on about that in more detail, have a look at the video at – a URL I have to thank Farmer Paul for, which will direct you to a presentation I did at SQLBits V, in late 2009. (I figure what Paul meant when he created “Simple Rob” is that I present simple truths that have a profound importance, and not suggesting that I’m ‘simple’ at all. He’s not suggesting that my IQ is low or anything like that. He wouldn’t do that, he’s far too nice a bloke, and my friend. I mean, I know he’s a Kiwi, and Kiwis have a friendly rivalry with Aussies – I think they’re jealous of our weather – but he wouldn’t pick on me like that. Besides, Paul and I are both English originally, he just moved to NZ instead of Australia. Maybe he just enjoys colder weather.)
SELECT TOP (3) p.Name, SUM(o.OrderQty) AS NumOrdered
FROM Production.Product AS p
JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail AS o
ON o.ProductID = p.ProductID
WHERE p.ProductSubcategoryID = @subcat
GROUP BY p.ProductID, p.Name
So now my query can become:
SELECT s.Name, TopProds.*This executes in exactly the same way, but we’ve contained our logic nicely by storing the sub-query in an inline TVF. Notice the join condition – it’s buried inside the function, abstracted away, and yet completely simplifiable by the Query Optimizer. It’s still very much a join – if you were to look at the execution plan, you’d see a Nested Loop (Left Outer Join), with a Seek Predicate being used further down. (I’ve created indexes to help, of course.) You should be able to click on the image to see it in more detail.
FROM Production.ProductSubcategory AS s
OUTER APPLY dbo.Top3ProductsBySubcategory(s.ProductSubcategoryID) AS TopProds
I really could keep going about APPLY, and talk about a bunch of other uses for it, but I’ll leave that for another time.
What I want to leave you with is the reminder that APPLY is just a more powerful way of doing a JOIN, because the set that you’re joining to doesn’t need to exist yet. You may have heard people talk about APPLY being bad, in the same breath as people will tell you that a correlated sub-query is bad. Unfortunately, there are times when this is true. But there are times when any join is bad, it largely depends on what indexes you have in place, and what kind of simplification the Query Optimizer can do in working out your plan. If you have considered issues such as SARGability and Residual Predicates, then you really shouldn’t have much of a problem.
Of course you understand joining to Tables, and to Views. If you aren’t used to joining to sub-queries, then try expanding a view yourself. Then think about what happens if you use APPLY and sneak the join condition into a predicate within the sub-query. All of a sudden you’ll find yourself able to write richer queries, and have a much stronger T-SQL arsenal.
The article shows how to write a function that returns the top three countries per category. That's always been something that was difficult to do in SQL so I was curious about the approach. The article started out well but I was very unhappy by the end. It's just soooo much easier to do this in SQL Server 2005 using the new CROSS APPLY clause in Transact-SQL. So I'm going to write a query to return the top 3 orders for each customer and I'm going to do it in about 10 lines of SQL. (UPDATE: An alert reader found an even better approach!)
First please take a second to read the MSDN article. Pay special attention to how much C# code is required for the solution and how flexible it is.Note: I also want to mention here that I started out trying to replicate their solution. I tried to install the MSI but that failed with an invalid characters message. I tried to recreate the CLR code but since he mostly posted snippets and had three versions I finally gave up trying to get that to work. One thing I really wanted to do was compare performance on identical data. Unfortunately I wasn't able to do that. My example will use the AdventureWorks database
Notice that I'm just passing in the CustomerID to the function. It returns the TOP 3 rows based on the amount of the order. Since I'm using CROSS APPLY a customer without orders won't appear in the list. I can also pass in a number other than 3 to easily return a different number of orders per customer. Even better I can pass in a different number of orders for each customer. So I could list the top 5 orders for one type of customer but the top 10 for another type of customer. How cool is that?!?
And it gets even better. Remember the function has an ORDER BY in it. It will always return the top orders based on the amount. However you can change the ORDER BY clause in the query that calls the function to display those rows in whatever order you want. You could easily display the top 3 orders in ascending order instead.
I also think their solution returns the result as a comma separated value. Now that would be a great use for the CLR. You could easily wrap that around the results of this function for a fast, effecient procedure. And it happens to be the next article I'm working on. :) If you want to see a great article on using the CLR inside SQL Server I'd start with Using CLR Integration in SQL Server 2005. The code is from an earlier beta but it gives you a great idea of when to use CLR code.
In summary I think that 5-10 lines of SQL is much simpler than 50+ lines of C# (or VB) for this type of solution. The article provides a lot of good information on the CLR inside SQL Server. I just don't think this is the best place to use it. One of my biggest fears is that people will use the CLR incorrectly and cause performance problems. This is the first real case I've seen of this. Is this really how Microsoft wants us to use the CLR?
see also
Let's start at the TOP
Along the way to making this solution work we'll discuss a few new features of SQL Server 2005. The first is that the TOP clause can now take a variable:DECLARE @Rows INT SET @Rows = 10 SELECT TOP ( @Rows ) * FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeaderThis will return the top 10 rows from SalesOrderHeader. You can also replace @Rows with anything that evaluates to a number. The following query looks odd but runs just fine:
SELECT TOP ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Sales.Customer ) * FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeaderThere are 19,185 rows in the Customer table and this query returns the top 19,185 rows from SalesOrderHeader. You can also use the TOP clause for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements. If you wanted to DELETE in batches of 500 you can now do that using the TOP clause.
My Function
Next we need a function to return the TOP X rows from SalesOrderHeader based on the total sales amount. That function looks like this:CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_GetTopOrders(@custid AS int, @n AS INT) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN SELECT TOP(@n) * FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader WHERE CustomerID = @custid ORDER BY TotalDue DESC GONotice that it accepts the number of orders to return as a parameter. Also notice that I'm using SELECT * all over the place. I really encourage you to explicitly list out the columns when you write this for real. If you call this with a CustomerID and a number of rows it will return that many rows ordered by the total amount of the order in descending order. Also notice that there is an ORDER BY clause in this function. We'll talk about that in a minute.
Apply the APPLY Clause
The real magic happens when you use SQL Server 2005's new APPLY clause. The APPLY clause let's you join a table to a table-valued-function. That let's you write a query like this:SELECT C.CustomerID, O.SalesOrderID, O.TotalDue FROM AdventureWorks.Sales.Customer AS C CROSS APPLY AdventureWorks.dbo.fn_GetTopOrders(C.CustomerID, 3) AS O ORDER BY CustomerID ASC, TotalDue DESCwhich results in this...
CustomerID SalesOrderID TotalDue ----------- ------------ --------------------- 1 45283 37643.1378 1 46042 34722.9906 1 44501 26128.8674 2 46976 10184.0774 2 47997 5469.5941 2 57044 4537.8484 3 53616 92196.9738 3 47439 78578.9054 3 48378 56574.3871 4 47658 132199.8023 . . .The APPLY clause acts like a JOIN without the ON clause comes in two flavors: CROSS and OUTER. The OUTER APPLY clause returns all the rows on the left side (Customers) whether they return any rows in the table-valued-function or not. The columns that the table-valued-function returns are null if no rows are returned. The CROSS APPLY only returns rows from the left side (Customers) if the table-valued-function returns rows.
Notice that I'm just passing in the CustomerID to the function. It returns the TOP 3 rows based on the amount of the order. Since I'm using CROSS APPLY a customer without orders won't appear in the list. I can also pass in a number other than 3 to easily return a different number of orders per customer. Even better I can pass in a different number of orders for each customer. So I could list the top 5 orders for one type of customer but the top 10 for another type of customer. How cool is that?!?
And it gets even better. Remember the function has an ORDER BY in it. It will always return the top orders based on the amount. However you can change the ORDER BY clause in the query that calls the function to display those rows in whatever order you want. You could easily display the top 3 orders in ascending order instead.
Performance and Conclusion
Unfortunately I wasn't able to compare the performance of my solution to MSDN's. The query plan from my solution doesn't look that bad. (And did I mention that it showed me a full query plan for the query with the UDF rather than just a UDF step? Sweet!) If anyone gets their solution running send me the code and I'll update the article.I also think their solution returns the result as a comma separated value. Now that would be a great use for the CLR. You could easily wrap that around the results of this function for a fast, effecient procedure. And it happens to be the next article I'm working on. :) If you want to see a great article on using the CLR inside SQL Server I'd start with Using CLR Integration in SQL Server 2005. The code is from an earlier beta but it gives you a great idea of when to use CLR code.
In summary I think that 5-10 lines of SQL is much simpler than 50+ lines of C# (or VB) for this type of solution. The article provides a lot of good information on the CLR inside SQL Server. I just don't think this is the best place to use it. One of my biggest fears is that people will use the CLR incorrectly and cause performance problems. This is the first real case I've seen of this. Is this really how Microsoft wants us to use the CLR?
I was curious when I posted this how long it would take to find an even better solution. It didn't take long. Arnold Fribble posted it in the forums. The syntax needed a little tweaking but it appears you can do this in a single query. And how did I forget the PARTITION BY clause of the ROW_NUMBER function. Doh! Here's the cleaned up query:SELECT CustomerID, SalesOrderID, TotalDue FROM ( SELECT O.CustomerID, O.SalesOrderID, O.TotalDue, ROW_NUMBER = ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY O.CustomerID ORDER BY O.TotalDue DESC) FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS O ) AS d WHERE d.ROW_NUMBER <= 3You have to use a derived table (or a Common Table Expression) since the row number function can't be used in the WHERE clause of the query where it's defined. Now I'll have to write an article on the new ranking functions.
see also
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