Friday, April 6, 2012

Ordering and Filtering Associated EntityCollections during Loading

Ordering and Filtering Associated
EntityCollections during Loading
LINQ to SQL provides the LoadOptions.AssociateWith( LambdaExpression ) directive to enable filtering
and ordering of associated entity collections at the DataContext level. EF offers an EntityInstance
. EntityCollection. Attach( EntityType.EntityCollection . CreateSourceQuery()
. LambdaExpression ) method. Unfortunately, filtering and ordering must be done for each instance of
the top - level object in a foreach iterator loop; if the object graph has three levels or more, the number of
iterators is one less than the depth of the hierarchy.
It ’ s a common practice to work from the topmost to the bottommost entity in the hierarchy. For example,
the following top - down snippet returns the Customer - Order - Order_Detail hierarchy with last five
Order entities and Order_Details EntitySet s for each Customer entity in Brazil:
C# 3.0
txtQuery.Text = “SELECT VALUE c FROM NorthwindEntities.Customers “ +
“AS c WHERE c.Country = ‘Brazil’; “
List < Customer > custList = new List < Customer > ();
using (NorthwindEntities ocNwind = new NorthwindEntities(“name=NorthwindEntities”))
ObjectQuery < Customer > customerQuery =
new ObjectQuery < Customer > (txtQuery.Text, ocNwind, mergeOpt);
foreach (Customer customer in customerQuery)
// Get the last five orders for each customer
.OrderByDescending(o = > o.OrderID).Take(5));
foreach (Order order in customer.Orders)
The preceding approach is drastic overkill to return the same object graph (less materialized Employee
and Shipper EntityRefs ) as the preceding examples. The only modification of the earlier eSQL query
to return the identical result more than five times faster is emphasized here:
C# 3.0
txtQuery = “SELECT VALUE o FROM NorthwindEntities.Orders AS o “ +
“WHERE o.Customer.Country = ‘Brazil’;”;
The performance - crushing culprits are the two loops required to obtain the last five Orders for each
customer and each of the customer ’ s Order_Details Entity Set . The moral of the story is always
start from the middle ground, preferably with the entity requiring a Where constraint, when returning
multiple copies of three or higher tiered object graphs.
Clearing the check box runs the following top - down implementation that uses the
Include( QueryPath ) directive for the two lower layers:
C# 3.0
List < Customer > custList = null;
txtQuery.Text = “SELECT VALUE c FROM NorthwindEntities.Customers “ +
“AS c WHERE c.Country = ‘Brazil’; “
using (NorthwindEntities ocNwind = new NorthwindEntities(“name=NorthwindEntities”))
// Enable eager loading of all Orders and Order_Details with Include operators
ObjectQuery < Customer > customerQuery = new ObjectQuery < Customer > (txtQuery.Text,
ocNwind, mergeOpt).Include(“Orders”).Include(“Orders.Order_Details”);
// Materialize the sequence
custList = customerQuery.ToList();
This implementation executes three times faster than the two - loop version, while delivering all Order s
and Order_Detail s for each customer in a 705 KB DCS XML document, which includes the associated
Employees and Shippers entities. The 362 KB document for the two - loop version doesn ’ t include the
extra associated entities.

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