Enjoy it , works correctly :
Procrun is a set of applications that allow Windows users to wrap (mostly) Java applications (e.g. Tomcat) as a Windows service.
The service can be set to automatically start when the machine boots and will continue to run with no user logged onto the machine.
Prunmgr is a GUI application for monitoring and configuring procrun services.
Each command line directive is in the form of //XX[//ServiceName]
If the //ServiceName parameter is omitted, then the service name is assumed to be the name of the file.
The Prunsrv application behaves in the same way, so to allow both applications to reside in the same directory, the Prunmgr application will remove a trailing w (lower-case w) from the name.
For example if the Prunmgr application is renamed as TestService.exe - or as TestServicew.exe - then the default service name is TestService.
linux distributions
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