Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Windows Azure Platform : AppFabric

The Windows Azure platform represents a radical change in the way applications can be
built and managed. This platform provides an Internet - based cloud computing environment
that anyone can use for hosting applications and storing the associated data. The platform
in general comprises two core services that any cloud - based application can use: compute
(e.g., executing an application) and storage (e.g., storing data on disk).
The compute service enables any application to run in the cloud. In essence, the applications
are deployed in a highly scalable environment where they share computer processor time
available in different virtual machines with Windows Server. These virtual machine
instances are spread around the world in different Microsoft data centers.
The storage service, as its name clearly states, provides simple storage capabilities using
different schemas such as BLOBs (binary objects), queues, or simple tables through a very
easy - to - use REST API based on Http calls. In case an application requires richer querying
capabilities for the storage (e.g., relational databases), an additional service, SQL Azure, is
also provided by Microsoft in this platform.
In both cases, Windows Azure assures the availability and high scalability that any
cloud - based application requires.
AppFabric extends the Windows Azure platform by providing two common building blocks,
the Service Bus and Access Control, to make it easier to extend the reach of any .NET applications in this platform. They currently provide key functionality to support bi - directional
connectivity and federated claims - based access control in any application trying to migrate to
Windows Azure.
The primary feature of the Service Bus is to “ route ” messages from clients through the Windows
Azure cloud to your software running on - premise, bypassing any NAT, fi rewalls, or other network
obstacles that might be in the way. In addition to routing messages, the Service Bus can also help
negotiate direct connections between applications.

The primary feature of Access Control is to provide a claims - based access control mechanism
for applications running on - premises or on the cloud. This makes federated authentication and
authorization much easier to achieve, allowing third - party applications to trust identities provided
by other systems.
Although each of these building blocks is available using open protocols and standards such as
REST, Atom/AtomPub, and SOAP, Microsoft has also provided a SDK that simplifi es the work
for .NET developers by hiding many of the wire protocol complexities that they would otherwise
experience when working with them directly. As part of this SDK, you can take advantage of some
of the new WCF extensions. These include the relay bindings, to talk to the Service Bus, or custom
authorization managers for parsing the security tokens generated by the Access Control.

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